Muslim-Friendly Travel in Andalusia & Beyond.
Rest & discover a rich heritage of history in comfort.

Led by locals and scholars to give you an authentic experience.
Abdalqadir Schaller was born into Islam to an American father and a Mexican mother. Raised in the USA, Spain, and the UK, he has gained extensive life experience and has actively contributed to numerous community-building projects across the world, from South Africa to Albania and Scotland. He served as the director of a Quran school in Mallorca for 10 years before shifting his focus to farming and permaculture.
Today, he plays a key role in managing and shaping Azahara International while traveling through Al-Andalus, guiding others on journeys of discovery and reminiscence. With a deep commitment to the future, he is passionate about educating Muslim youth in resilience and self-reliance. His life’s work revolves around self-knowledge and fostering meaningful bonds through companionship.
Packages for families, youth, women, and individuals.
Our youth package features a focus on futuwwah with training in service, sunnah sports, and foundational knowledge.
Your experiences can be tailored to include:
Guided visits to the Alhambra in Granada, Mezquita of Córdoba, and Seville’s Alcázar,
Trips to Toledo, Madrid and Malaga.
Hiking in Sierra Nevada and exploring hidden gems.
Beach and picnic stops,
Muslim-friendly restaurants serving authentic Andalusian cuisine.
Budget friendly package options.
Comfortable, family-friendly accommodations.
Live in nature and camping available where preferred.
Calligraphy, leather making workshops & more.
Water sports, archery and horse-riding.
Cultural exchanges with local communities
Engaging activities for children, including interactive history sessions.
Spa experiences.
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