Muslim-Friendly Travel in Andalusia & Beyond.

Rest & discover a rich heritage of history in comfort.

Led by locals and scholars to give you an authentic experience.

Abdalqadir Schaller was born into Islam to an American father and a Mexican mother. Raised in the USA, Spain, and the UK, he has gained extensive life experience and has actively contributed to numerous community-building projects across the world, from South Africa to Albania and Scotland. He served as the director of a Quran school in Mallorca for 10 years before shifting his focus to farming and permaculture.

Today, he plays a key role in managing and shaping Azahara International while traveling through Al-Andalus, guiding others on journeys of discovery and reminiscence. With a deep commitment to the future, he is passionate about educating Muslim youth in resilience and self-reliance. His life’s work revolves around self-knowledge and fostering meaningful bonds through companionship.

Packages for families, youth, women, and individuals.

Our youth package features a focus on futuwwah with training in service, sunnah sports, and foundational knowledge.

Your experiences can be tailored to include:

  • Guided visits to the Alhambra in Granada, Mezquita of Córdoba, and Seville’s Alcázar,

  • Trips to Toledo, Madrid and Malaga.

  • Hiking in Sierra Nevada and exploring hidden gems.

  • Beach and picnic stops,

  • Muslim-friendly restaurants serving authentic Andalusian cuisine.

  • Budget friendly package options.

  • Comfortable, family-friendly accommodations.

  • Live in nature and camping available where preferred.

  • Calligraphy, leather making workshops & more.

  • Water sports, archery and horse-riding.

  • Cultural exchanges with local communities

  • Engaging activities for children, including interactive history sessions.

  • Spa experiences.

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