Khidma Programme
13 — 23 July, 2024
"Khidma”, loosely translated as service, stands as a pillar of loving community. Azahara’s Khidma Programme aims to cultivate a generation empowered to serve as stewards of the earth.
Ten enriching days in Andalusia of learning and service guided by the Prophetic tradition (ﷺ)
Participants shall:
Connect with the inward and outward manners of the Prophet (pbuh).
Study the classical text, Risalat al-Anwar fi Adab as-Suhbah 'inda'l-Akhyar (Etiquettes of Companionship) by Imam Ash-Sharani.
Live and learn in community and grow through practical activities.
Mindfulness and connecting within grounded in Islamic Psychology.
Connect with beauty witnessed and lived through nature.
Moments of rest in the Andalusian mountains, onsite archery and swimming.
Meet the teachers.
Dr Samir Mahmoud
Connecting to Allah through the practice of contemplating His creation
Dr. Samir is the Academic Director of Usul Academy (www.usul.academy) and a Lecturer at the Cambridge Muslim College´s Islamic Psychology Programme. He holds a BA (Hons) in Anthropology & Politics, an MA in Architectural History, Theory & Urban Design, an MPhil in Theology & Religious Studies, and a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Cambridge.
Ustadha Mozynah Nofal
Teaching the Etiquettes of Companionship by Imam Ash-Sha'rani
Ustadha Mozynah is currently completing a PhD in Education Leadership and Policy focusing on Islamic Leadership. She is also a researcher at the Center for Islamic Thought in Education at the University of South Australia. She served as the VP Canada on the Muslim Students Association National Board of North America for two years, as well as the Youth Representative for Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Mozynah studied at Alharam's Quran school in Madina, Islamic Studies at Ibn Khaldun University in Istanbul, and with local teachers in Cairo. She has worked as an Islamic School teacher at Abraar School in Ottawa and was the principal of SNMC Saturday Islamic school.
Ustadh Manar Ghamain
Mindfulness and Connecting Within
Ustadh Manar is a Psychotherapist and the Assistant Director of Spiritual Life, NYU Abu Dhabi. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care, a professional association dedicated to the training of Psycho-spiritual therapists and Spiritual and Religious Care Providers. Having completed a Masters in Pastoral Studies from the University of Toronto, Manar specialises in spiritually-integrated psychotherapy. Manar completed his Islamic Psychology Diploma from Cambridge Muslim College.
Witnessed and lived through nature.
Serving family & guests with Ameer Noureldin.
Taking care of ourselves, community, land & animals.
Programme requirements
Minimum age: 18
The ideal participant would like to deepen their connection to Allah, cultivate personal development, and live a life of love and service.
They should be open to living in a community of diverse backgrounds.
The legal right to reside in Spain for programme duration.
Locals (Spanish):
A reduced rate of €500 (all inclusive) as part of our commitment to serving our local community. This programme will be taught in English.
€950 (all inclusive).
Ages 18-25:
€800 (all inclusive) as part of our commitment to developing a generation of khidma youth.
All inclusive means covering the programme, accommodation and meal fees. Payment plans are available for all categories. A limited number of partial and full scholarships shall be made available. Azahara invites those wishing to sponsor khidma students to get in touch.