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Fitra Breathing in May

Join transformative weekends with Abdallah Tawfiq, Director of the School of Natural Breathing.

About the teacher

Abdallah Tawfiq Velasco is an author, psychologist, psychotherapist, naturopath, and Director of the School of Natural Breathing. With over 30 years of dedicated research in breathing he has explored biomechanics along with practices such as aikido, tai-chi, and yoga. His book "Las enseñanzas del caballero de la armadura oxidada" (The Teachings of the Rusty Knight), is in its 15th edition.

Fitrah Breathing is a certified introductory course designed to draw attention to your current breathing and teach you the natural and efficient process of respiratory biodynamics, as well as its multiple benefits.

Dates: 3 May - 6 May

Fitrah Movement in the Garden is a weekend workshop that will help you connect with the land and nurture your inner garden. It will be a harmonious blend of gardening, natural breathing, nutrition and movement.

Dates: 10 May - 13 May

April 25

Spirit of Al-Andalus Retreat

July 13

Khidma Programme